Operating In An Unbalanced Perspective

Positive Vibes Only is a statement constantly made full of misinformation and misguided judgements. People are completely overlooking the whole premise of “positive vibes only” and with many ideas these days, it’s losing it’s value the more people say it out of context. Over the span of my 7 Days of Meditation and Manifestation which I mentioned I would be writing further on my Medium account,  I realized some important and energetically pivotal things.

On the 7th day…literally the 7th day, I recognized one major key as to why I wasn’t experiencing and manifesting consistently fulfilling moments and things into my life. My inability to always be in a good mood hindered me from receiving consistently amazing moments. Now I’m pretty sure you are thinking what the hell does she even mean by any of this? Because I was honestly thinking the same thing!

The day that I typed this post in my phone, (to later post here)  I was at work and data entry is NOT fit for me, my mind wanders way too much and I feel entirely disconnected from the job itself. Anything of that nature, for me, as an artist is pure torture. Luckily for myself listening to music while working was an option, which I took full advantage of. Unlike any of the other days, I decided to listen to Abraham Hicks instead. I tuned out the obvious fact that I didn’t want to be at work and tuned into what valuable insight I could gather while working and listening.

As I began to listen, my left ear rang twice for about thirty seconds, first high pitch and the second a slightly lower octave, both still pretty high. Everything in me felt good, my energy had shifted immediately and this to me, indicated this was the right decision for me at this moment. I went through short clips of audios about attracting wealth and being grateful and every one of those audios led back to one simple principle; vibration.

Again, “what IS the point?” well this is where things became intrinsically more connective and understandable for me. I, like everyone else felt as though I understood fully the law of attraction and the importance of vibration. I began to question why the idea was so easy for me to get, but to implement it seemed like it was a whole different issue. One defining point for me is that I am an Empath or Highly Sensitive, so I am always receptive to energies within and around me, this does not stop. I’ve personally been slacking on my self-care habits so that my energy shifts don’t get the best of me, but it’s so damn hard..as an empath you take everything in.

Unbalanced emotions also means unbalanced thoughts, if either of these are inconsistent, you can kiss the law of attraction goodbye, I will further explain upon this later. So being unable to focus on the intent of the things I want to manifest has been a struggle. I would have moments where things would manifest quickly, and then others it was a complete feeling of being blocked. I further investigated this sensation by asking myself “well, why?”. Upon me making this connection for myself, several light bulbs went off.

This is the part where I tie in my intention for the Calea Tea Meditation myself and two close friends participated in a few days earlier. You can read about it here.

Positive Vibes Only is not an elite club of only good say-ers and do-ers. In fact, you need negative people and moments to recognize and appreciate the positive people and moments you encounter on a daily basis. This is simply balance. Sometimes negative experiences get you to a positive one! The principle of good vibes or positive vibes is to keep you focused in positive spirits, or feelings. This does two things for you..one makes you present in the now and two, makes you appreciative…which can overall put you in a good mood.

You create amazing things when you are in a good mood. If you can perpetuate this feeling you are well on your way to manifesting many good things for yourself. So positive vibes only is not about ignoring the negatives it’s about finding ways to make the negatives  irrelevant. When you forcibly try to ignore it, you actually make the issue bigger, projecting more of that energy and thus creating more of that energy in your life. Wow! Wonder why things happen the way they do. Giving creative life force energy to your problems only makes MORE of them!

Positive Vibes only has become dismissive, simply said with no purpose or even understanding of why it originated in the first place. Even deeper, being able to recognize what you are feeling, whether you feel good or feel bad, is a concept that gives you key indicators whether or not what you are experiencing is in alignment with what your internal soul self truly wants and desires. You will attract both positive and negative moments in your life, your only focus should be attracting more positive moments and how do you do that?  By staying in a good mood.

Negative isn’t bad, it just means it isn’t aligned with your truest desires. That emotion that you feel is to get you to recognize just that.

See, even as you are reading, you are creating, as I was typing, I was creating. We are always creating! Why not create something amazing and worth living for? So while I could’ve been at work, still annoyed at how much I really didn’t want to be there, I was happy and smiling that I had personally found a way to unlock myself and my abilities. I took a scenario that was putting me in a terrible mood and switched my focal energy to create a better mood! I know this all might sound cheesy but experiment with it like I did.

The whole purpose of my 7 Days of Manifestation and Meditation was a personal and spiritual experiment to uncover whether I could truly manifest in a small amount of time. At the end of the seven days, again on THE seventh day, and a full moon day, might I add, I had fulfilled my intention which I stated in my Medium post two days after my started experiment began!

What did I do? I first set an intention. Next, I used my golden quartz crystal and focused my meditative energy on my sacral chakra, during those seven days. Golden Quartz can aid in manifestation and your sacral is connective to your personal power and will. I meditated in the morning and in the evening. Longer in the evening the days I had to work. Honestly, one of those days I completely missed! That is not to say those were the only cause of my revelations, but IT all worked in MY favor to come to my own personal conclusions!

My applied creative energy is what brought me to the understanding I have now.

I recognized that my focused energy is extremely powerful and anything I focus on I give 200% to. This also meant I was giving my problems that same amount of focus. The challenge for myself and for you, after reading this post is to see if you can simply keep yourself in a good mood. Even when things are going downhill which they can and will, stay in a good mood. Upon me recognizing the shear importance of this seemingly easy concept, I have experienced a shift that I imagine you can experience too!

For now, just try “good mood only”

-Key @keyperspective

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